
Become a member today!


Membership in CDR is open to all. Our members receive a host of benefits, and their membership dues help support the annual costs of the organization (including insurance, web hosting, and advertising). Additionally, as a member organization of the Country Dance & Song Society (CDSS), our members also receive benefits from CDSS. Our membership runs from September 1 to August 31, with the annual membership drive in September; however, you are welcome to join throughout the year.

Member Benefits

  • Eligibility for annual CDR scholarships and matching CDSS camp scholarships.
  • Priority consideration for admission to CDSS events which have limited availability.
  • Eligibility to vote at the annual meeting.
  • Eligibility to participate on Planning Committees and to serve on the Board of Directors.
  • The great satisfaction of knowing that you are supporting our local traditional dance & live music community.

Cost of Membership

  • $12 per year for an individual membership.
  • $18 per year for a family/household membership.

Pay Online

Membership Type

Or, you may print out a paper Membership Form – 2023, fill it out and bring it to the dance.

Note: our membership year runs from September 1 to August 31. (If you choose to join mid-year, membership can be prorated according to the number of full months remaining until September; ask a volunteer at the dance.)