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Filtered by Month: July 2024

CDR Officers Nominated for 2021

For CDR’s 2021 Annual Meeting, we have one agenda item: to approve the slate of officers proposed by the Nominating Committee. It is our usual practice to conduct the annual meeting business during the break at our regular dancers. We can’t do this in 2021 in light of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. Accordingly, we will… Read more »

ECD Cancelled

English country dances are regretfully cancelled until our community transmission rate lowers. We are not planning any dances in August or September.

Masks Required

Updated requirements for ECD. To dance at First Baptist, we have agreed to follow the rules established by the church. Please do not come to a dance if you have a temperature, loss of smell or taste, a cough, a cold, or are feeling unwell. Only fully vaccinated people will be allowed into Hubbell Hall…. Read more »