Solid New England tunes with The Sloboda Sibs and Jane Knoeck.
Calling will be by Evan De Smitt
Suggested price is $10; please pay what you can. All dances are taught. An introduction to contra dancing is provided around 7:10 on request. Please let us know when you arrive.

Evan De Smitt
One of Rochester’s seasoned callers, Evan brings great timing from his experiences playing saxophone in marching bands. His lovely, clear, resonant voice carries well, and he is very attentive to the dancers.

Matt Sloboda
Matt Sloboda (Fiddle, Bouzouki, Mandolin, Accordion)
Raised in the tradition, Matt has played with many bands, including Lake Effect and Glenrose. Matt brings a great lift to his style that swings.

Catherine Sloboda
Catherine Sloboda (fiddle)
Catherine’s fiddling is energizing, sensitive, and creates music with that elusive quality of danceability. She also has long experience in playing for dancing; in the early ’90’s, Catherine was a member of the Sloboda family band, Glenrose, who played for many contra and family dances. She is a member of the ECD bands Bellamira, Quicksilver, and many other combinations of local dance musicians.

Jane Knoeck
Jane Knoeck (piano, accordion)
Jane Knoeck is the doyenne of Rochester dance piano for both English country and contra. She is a member of the nationally touring band, The Groovemongers, as well as River Bend, Sister Haggis, and others reaching back over many years. It’s always a great night for dancing when Jane is on stage.