For CDR’s 2021 Annual Meeting, we have one agenda item: to approve the slate of officers proposed by the Nominating Committee. It is our usual practice to conduct the annual meeting business during the break at our regular dancers. We can’t do this in 2021 in light of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. Accordingly, we will conduct an online vote by email survey of members of record on or about September 20.
The following slate of officers has been proposed for 2021-2022 by the CDR nominating committee:
- Cindy Culbert to continue as President
- Jilli Walch for Vice-President
- Pat Donaldson to continue as Secretary
- William O’Donnell for Treasurer
Alternate officer nominations may be made by members contacting Pat Donaldson at
To receive your ballot, please renew your membership. Your dues support CDR’s work to preserve and promote traditional country dance forms, both Contra and English, in Western NY. Although the pandemic has forced us to pause dancing for the last year and a half, CDR organizers have been working behind the scenes to ensure we will start up again with gusto when it is safe to do so. Look for more information in the weeks ahead.