With bivalent boosters now widely available and public views on appropriate covid precautions continuing to shift, we wanted to run a survey to understand how our particular community was thinking about this sort of thing. After a bit over a week we’ve wrapped up the survey, and the results are in! Of course, in the middle of the survey period, the White House announced that the public health emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic would end April 30. While the virus is still present, federal provisions to fight the virus will change.
Overall people were solidly in favor of continuing vaccination requirements with some support to requiring bivalent boosters, and divided on the need for masking. There was little support for using testing results to relax either masking or vaccination requirements.

Contra Segment
We used the question about contra attendance to separate out responses by those who attend contra dances, including the annual Thanksgiving weekend dance. Here we saw good support to continue requiring vaccinations, both primary series and boosters and good support to discontinue the masking requirement.

If we scale by estimated annual attendance, i.e., give more weight to the dancers who come often, We still see strong support to continue requiring vaccination and even strengthening to require the bivalent booster.

If we look at dancers who attend no more than monthly if at all, we still see good support to drop a mask requirement but to continue requiring vaccination. Keeping vaccinations up to date splits evenly.

English Country Dancers Segment
Those who dance English were more divided on the masking requirement, but still with strong support for vaccination and some support to include boosters. Again, there was little support for “testing out” of either masking and almost none for testing out of the vaccination requirement.

If we scale by estimated annual attendance, i.e., give more weight to the dancers who come often, We still see strong support to continue requiring vaccination and even strengthening to require the bivalent booster, but less support to relax the mask requirement.

If we look at dancers who attend no more than monthly if at all, we see support to relax the mask requirement but strong support to continue and strengthen the vaccination requirement.

As confirmed in the free text responses (see appendix below) there isn’t one set of policies that would make everyone happy. There are dancers who feel very strongly that requiring masks is necessary for their safety, and others who feel like it makes the dance much less fun. It’s clear that understanding of the effectiveness of preventive measures against covid infection is a complex topic, especially since there is still much to learn about this virus and public health messaging has varied over time.
We’re not currently announcing any changes, but wanted to get the results out so people could see how the survey went. The CDR Board will meet on February 13 to consider these results.
A few points we’d like to address from people’s free-text responses:
• We are not considering banning masks, only whether and under what circumstances to require wearing a mask.
• Performers may unmask while on stage because they are more than 6 feet from dancers. This makes the caller’s instructions clearer and enables wind instruments.
Survey Details
The survey was open from the morning of January 26th to the morning of February 3rd (eight days) during which it received 124 responses. It was available online throughout this period, and on paper in person during our January 26th and February 2nd dances, but we got only one paper submission. Full responses are public if you’d like to do your own analysis. The numbers in the charts here include rounding a few free-text responses to the nearest standard option.
We publicized the survey by mailing to our entire email list. 54% opened the email, and 21% clicked through to the survey. We also announced it at the contra dances. Most responses were received within a day, with an uptick after a reminder was sent out late on February 1st.

Here is how the attendance estimates were distributed.

Appendix – All Comments
Here are all the free-text comments people left in the two comment fields, after a small amount of editing to remove personal information:
• Vaccine requirements seem pointless at this point; masking could easily be optional. I’m much less likely to dance with a mask on, but I respect others’ right to wear one. I think we should be more in line with other cultural organizations at this point. Other than contra dances, seems like mainly only doctor’s offices are at times requiring masking (and in many cases vaccines)
• For me I feel like safest is masks and testing. I don’t think you need to require vaccines anymore. Masks optional might be good also. I would likely wear one.
• I believe that masks based on CDC community level are appropriate.
• I’m willing to wear masks to dance. We do in Cleveland. Not quite optional yet at all EC dance
• I would feel less comfortable if everyone was not masked, vaccinated, and boosted. I would appreciate it if someone would have the job of enforcing the masking rule when masks are worn improperly.
• Little: for now I dance masked regardless. Increased attendance would increase my enjoyment. Thanks for thoughtfully considering these options.
• This is, in my judgment, fundamentally a science policy question. If the policy is selected based on anything else, I will not be surprised, but will be angered.
• I prefer to dance without a mask, but I won’t be upset/stop coming if it continues.
• I’m very much in favor of vax/masking protocol. As a traveling musician, it makes me feel much safer at dances to have a strict COVID protocol, and I think it’s an overall sound public health thing to do!
• No masking would GREATLY increase comfort and enjoyment, and would not affect safety at all at this point.
• As coordinator for a weekly local English Country Dance in (another city) I am interested in your survey results and your policies. Eyes are expressive! We have been dancing with masks and trying to keep the dance hall cool and comfortable. NO cases of transmission through our dances has happened. Our hall also has air conditioning for warm weather.
• I would attend regardless of measures. Taking precautions for public health seems like a small price to pay for the enormous joy I get from participating in dancing. So, the precautions do not reduce my motivation to attend. I also feel comfortable dancing in the age of covid. In some situations I feel ready to dance with no protection beyond the vaccines and antibodies I carry inside me. When I feel a need for more protection, I put on my own mask, and that feels okay to me. Thanks for thinking responsibly about this sensitive issue.
• Probably you’ve done this already but you might look at the Buffalo policy and as far as I know, we have not had anybody report testing positive after a dance and we have not had anybody who was not vaccinated test positive at time of entry. We provide covid tests, some which are donated, but if not that is a significant cost, nearly the price of admission.
• It would depend on the current Covid-19 Community Level in the county. We might opt to continue wearing effective masks regardless, just as we intend to remain up-to-date on boosters, since we are considered at high risk by virtue of age. Never forbid dancers to wear a mask, if that is their preference.
• Changing covid policy is a difficult decision for the committee. Good luck with this and I will appreciate an explanation of the comments and conditions that influence your decision.
• Make masks optional
• Since I live far away, I would only participate in the Jane Austen ball, and I would like to see maximum precautions for that, required masking, testing, vaccination mandate, including the bivalent booster.
• In general I can only attend indoor dances if they require masks. Safety measures other than masking I appreciate but can compromise on more easily.
• I’m much more happy to mask than to provide medical documentation; that said, at this point, I rarely wear a mask.
• ok to drop masks since easier to breathe for me. make the case for dropping masks when the county covid level goes green
• I would like to attend English dances. But, double masking would make it hard for me to be able to breathe effectively during more strenuous dances. Dances in warm months in an outdoor or well ventilated venue would be excellent. I like that I get messages, keep up the great work and maybe I’ll be able to dance again.
• my preference is relevant to dances I actually attend. I appreciate your concern for covid-safety
• I don’t yet think it’s safe to have dances.
• As a musician, I would not feel comfortable playing for dances that don’t require masks.
• Old Songs festival had 2 lines: one masks-required, one masks-optional. That seemed to work well. The optional line was about 50% masked. Vaccination proof was required at the gate, but I think that will become less useful as time goes by.
• I don’t know that it would change much for me. I make self evaluations on masking or not within my personal communities. If things became more stringent I’d not like it, however not knowing if I have been exposed no matter how innocently is an issue for me. No vax without tracing is probably a situation I’d prefer to not be in. Great job.
• I don’t like dancing in a mask
• Since I’ve known of a lot of recent COVID and other serious illnesses, I think I prefer the masks and vaccine requirements.
• It’s really nice to see people’s faces when dancing. Friends would be more likely to join me. Thanks for asking these questions!
• no masks would definitely be more comfortable.
• At this time I would less comfortable about the health risks if requirements were lessened.
• There is no point requiring vaccinations. Vaccinated people still transmit covid. I base this off of my personal experience and medical knowledge as an MD.
• I will continue to attend I will wear a mask. I’ve had all 5 shots. When I had Covid April 2022 it felt like a mild cold. I don’t care about whether or not people have had shots or wear masks. If someone has been exposed to Covid or flu they should stay home. A test prior to the dance doesn’t mean you don’t have it as it can take several days once exposed to test positive and during this time a person may be infecting others. So it’s a personal judgment call. I’ll wear a mask
• I now attend square dancing instead as there are no restrictions. I do hope you change your policies. Thank you
• I think the masking policy is reasonable as is. With testing you have to take someone’s word that they have tested. You can see a mask. Not a Covid thing, but I like the winter hours.
• I’ve not been in a long time, but want to start attending regularly. With vaccinations and boosters required, I’d feel more comfortable knowing that if I have the virus and don’t know it, I’m not likely to pass it on to someone it might kill. I like the idea of masking requirements following Monroe County COVID risk levels. Is there a possibility of having a masked line and an unmasked line for those who would be more comfortable that way? Thanks for taking care of your community.
• I think masking is a small price to pay for feeling comfortable being in a group and avoiding infection. Being vaccinated plus masking is the best we can manage at this time. Do I love being masked? — no, obviously it would be nicer to not be — but I value the safety of every person in the room — not just myself. We have to do what needs to be done for the safety of our dance community. No one will die if they wear a mask (despite what they might think) — but someone could die if they get Covid.
• I prefer not to wear a mask while dancing both because I find it harder to breathe and because I find it harder to recognize and enjoy seeing masked people. If you do require masking, I much prefer a cloth mask or surgical mask to an N95 mask, because it is much harder to breathe through the N95 mask when dancing energetically. I like how the Syracuse dance community responds to the current COVID level.
• I tremendously miss dancing. Many of my friends are folk country dancers. Masking has dampened my ability to dance, because vigorous movement, with my mouth and nose, covered with a mask, may make me dizzy. I can appreciate your careful concern. That’s good. I am fully vaccinated and boosted. I just attended an event with 300 people at a concert at iron smoke distillery in Fairport. No one was wearing a mask. I was not either. I was shocked to find out that I did not get Covid from that experience. Maybe I was lucky that night. But I pray for the day that things go back to normal for CDR as they were three years ago.
• Masking is a pain, but it’s a non-intrusive way to protect oneself and others. I’d suggest reminding people to cover both their mouth and nose. Thank you for asking about this.
• Our dances are wonderful. I don’t like “dancing masks” but I do it. And I would still come as often masks or no masks. Waiting for the day it all goes away.
• I would feel less safe and less comfortable if the precautions were reduced in any way.
• I would feel safe to dance if everyone was vaccinated and wearing N95 masks all the time. I play music for dances when I can be sure that caller and other musicians will be masked and vaccinated.
• less caution would make me less comfortable
• I feel safest with maximum protection, including high quality (kn 95 or n 95) mask, would prefer bivalent vaccine required too. even if mask is inconvenient. Smiles are obvious even with masks on…. I value maximum protection and we can see spikes even with masks on. Thanks
• I’m fine with all protocols! Still deciding on my bivalent booster, but this potential requirement wouldn’t influence my attendance. If I need it, I need it. I have so much fun when I do get to attend, but Webster is just too far for me to get there at a reasonable hour to make the trip worth it for me. Are there plans on having any more in the city?
• Masks are a necessary pain in the neck when community levels are high. When levels are lower, do we really need them, for vaccinated folks? The Adirondack Flurry with masked and mask optional lines was nice. Alas, our CDR crowd is often too small to make that possible.
• surgical masks required instead of n95 masks would be better.
• I want to play music for dances. I like that they are “family” events not meant to make $$ selling beer etc.
• I probably would come no matter what. I don’t mind wearing a mask. I think things could be a little looser if people wanted to eat a cookie without a mask indoors. I think it would make me more comfortable to know that people were vaccinated although I don’t know that that makes a difference any more.
• At this point, I would be comfortable coming with a “masks optional with proof of vaccination” policy.
• I like the current policy but I would trust people to be truthful about their status rather than ask for proof.
• I believe that a form of Covid will be with us forever (like the flu.) Therefore, drop the protocols. Stress that no one who feels ill should attend. Also emphasize that the choice to mask or not should be respected and not criticized. Boy! Do I miss seeing smiles!
• I’m sad that you all fell for the scamdemic; but having left NY, what you now do is, in my case, moot. If you’re concerned for each others’ health, you need to ban cell phones at your events and/or ask for them to be airplane mode; then someone w/ an EMF meter needs to check out the hall & see if there are other sources of high EMFs there. Best wishes to you all!
• I’m glad you require vac and booster shots….masking is sort of uncomfortable while dancing but I understand if someone wants to mask up and if masks are required, I am ok with that….
• My spouse is vulnerable so I just can’t come back until covid is gone, whenever that might be. I hope my staying away doesn’t contribute to the dance community shriveling to nothing, as I really look forward to dancing again. Thanks for doing this survey; very comprehensive.
• I would no longer attend any CDR dance if vaccinations/boosters were optional. No masks is one thing, but no vaccine puts everyone at risk. I will not take that chance. The board needs to get their act together about a food plan at ECD. I think it’s absurd to make people stand outside in the snow just to eat a cookie.
• When making the decision about whether or not to require boosters, including bivalent, consider that asking about boosters can cross into personal health questions. There are times when one cannot be boosted and even if exceptions are made, the individual will be required to release personal health information or the CDR team managing dance entrances will be put in the position of collecting record of that decision and why (thus recording personal health information).
• I’m fully in favor of masking and vaccination to be optional.
• I think masking should be optional… I would mask or unmask as a personal preference
• When attending indoor partner dance events, my girlfriend and I currently wear masks and will only dance with partners who are masked. For contra and ECD, one dances with MANY people during a single dance, so we only attend such set dances where EVERYONE is required to be masked. We may, in the future, consider dancing with partners who are unmasked but have met a strict testing requirement. (But for that scenario, if not everyone had tested, then wristbands would likely have to be worn by those with negative test results.) And in the months ahead, we will consider the Covid numbers and review our personal protocols.
• Definitely would come every week with my friends.
• It would not change my attendance. I understand the risks. Masks should be optional. Let’s dance.
• Would enjoy and would be comfortable seeing peoples’ facial expressions without the masks. COVID infection seems less dire than two years ago.
• feel safer with masks
• I would be able to participate if you stopped requiring all these protocols. Schools, churches have stopped all vax/mask requirements. Pandemic is over.
• I would love to dance maskless, but in our current virus climate, that may be a bit foolish. Perhaps testing before attending would help, to move in that direction? Perhaps requiring more than 1 booster would help as well. Wonderful group. Thank you!
• I will stop attending if vaccination, boosters and masks aren’t required I understand if you change your policies to get more people dancing.
• As long as I have the choice of wearing a mask or not, I’m fine with the policies in place.
• Testing would be a nuisance for an evening dance (more reasonable for a Flurry weekend). I’d probably still come if masking were optional (I would mask) but unless CDC is green would feel somewhat uncomfortable. No vaccinations + no masking would double that and I’d rethink whether to come at all. Since I come all the time (if in town), hard to come more! I’ve spent a lot of effort to keep myself and others safe. I can’t help but feel some resentment to those that don’t accept that kind of community responsibility.
• I work at a hospital so I wear a mask not only to lower the risk of getting infected but also of inadvertently exposing someone if I were infectious. Thank you for seeking our input
• I am in favor of dropping all covid protocols with the exception of signing in. That leaves risk decisions to the individual and allows for people to be informed when they may have come in contact with the virus.
• I would love to attend CDR contra dances and CDR English country dances and probably will start attending either way but if current policies are still in place and continuous yearly or regular boosters are required and mandatory I will feel safer as certain family members of mine have high risk illnesses and diseases such as Asthma, MS, Autoimmune Diseases and various other high risk health conditions.
• I would be more comfortable without a mask, but it is not a deal breaker—and I doubt masking helps significantly when we are breathing hard, but I could be wrong. I think we probably need to learn to live with the virus. Social interactions are important and hindered by mask wearing. Perhaps having tests available for free/purchase at the door could help when someone is on the fence—or didn’t have the time—about whether they might be carrying the virus. That could be carried in a first aid case—I am guessing there is one—and stored properly.
• if I were dancing, I would be less willing to dance if vaccination requirements were removed. I would feel much more vulnerable and, sadly, be less willing to dance with others.
• It can get a bit uncomfortable dancing with a mask on. I also believe it would make it easier to socialize (it’s more pleasant to see facial expressions – a smile…:)
• If we changed policy so that masking and vaccinations were no longer required, I’d feel like we were going more “back to normal” and I’d enjoy that. Sometimes I might choose to wear a mask and certainly have no objections to others choosing to wear them. As far as my attendance at Contra goes, my absence doesn’t have anything to do with our Covid policies. I just need more time in the week.
• Not having to wear a mask would make the dances more enjoyable, especially when the weather warms up. I’m not sure if requiring vaccinations is that important anymore. Vaccines don’t stop people from getting sick, only from dying. It might be more effective if we took everyone temperature (digitally) when they walk in the door. That might prevent the spread of many different diseases.
• If I knew all were vaccinated I’d be fine with no masks and potentially would enjoy it more if there were not masks, but I’m still ok wearing them even though it does make me more out of breath
• I am at the point where I am ok without a mask in the dance hall, socially distanced (if that changes). I would wear a mask while dancing but I would be ok if others didn’t mask. (All this is on the assumption that everyone is vaccinated.) I feel more secure if I know those around me have been vaccinated.
• I will attend (masked) regardless of the vaccination / testing requirement or whether others are masked or not. Probably an unusual outlier! I would much rather be unmasked, but don’t think we are there yet. I do think it would be fine to drop or weaken the vaccination requirement at this point.
• Keep mask requirements in winter months. Possibly change in summer if community level of infections low. Masks don’t change my enjoyment that much.
• If CDR were to discontinue masks and/or vaccines I wouldn’t be able to attend due to my wife’s health issues. She’s at high risk.
• It’s easier for musicians to play without masks, but I’m certainly fine wearing one if others are more comfortable. It doesn’t affect my overall comfort or enjoyment enough to stop playing.
• At this point, vaccination of others does not make me feel safer as current Covid variants are so much more transmissible. Testing also doesn’t make me feel safer as false negatives are common. The most effective tool to prevent transmission is masking, and if everyone is masked, I would feel safer even if those masks were surgical masks, which are much more comfortable to dance in. I appreciate CDR’s Covid mitigation measures, especially since social dancing is a higher risk activity. I’ve found these measures to be “damned if you do/damned if you don’t”, as there are those who won’t participate no matter what is/isn’t allowed. Choosing, explaining, defending, and dealing with the ramifications of our decisions can be exhausting. Thank you for your concern and diligence!
• Thanks for all you do.
• I haven’t been coming nearly as often as I used to because: 1. I don’t really like the new venue, 2. wearing a mask is hot and uncomfortable. It kind of made sense last summer, but now almost no place outside of medical facilities is requiring masks.
• I go without masking everywhere and the government will soon drop covid protocol I would like to come and not worry about covid, you can get many other infections just going about normal living If someone says they have the vac then let them in, Get their contact information. People who are worried about illnesses can dance with people they already know and wear masks and take all the precautions they want.
• all of the precautions have helped me feel safe and welcomed. it is very nice to be back dancing with the community. the distance is the main drawback to more regular attendance.
• I wouldn’t come if vaccination was not required.
• I feel safer with a mask and knowing others are boosted.
• Not an issue I had Covid in late Sept 2022, the new version is just a cold. Lockdown changed people’s patterns. New patterns are being created. Dance is healthy in SO MANY ways! I hope it will be encouraged in the schools & community. Reach out to younger generation.
• I already believe dancing with a well person is inherently safe. If people are feeling unwell they should stay home until they are feeling well again. My discomfort and lack of enjoyment comes from being prohibited from dancing based on my personal medical decisions. Policies that prohibit people from attending the dance based on their personal medical choices are unlawful, ill-advised, and unkind. It’s been clearly demonstrated through rigorous experimentation that masks do not prevent the spread of Covid-19. It’s also now been clearly shown that the Covid-19 shots do not protect from contracting or spreading the illness. In fact, it is now well known that the risks associated with the shots are far greater than the risks of the current variants of the virus.
• Wearing masks does not affect my participation in either ECD or Contra, I attend according to limitations due to my schedule only.
• It would make it a lot easier to invite and bring my friends who are all college age many would like to attend but due to religious reasons they didn’t get vaccinated.
• I would feel concerned about safety if vaccinations were not required.
• Wearing or not wearing a mask will not affect whether I attend. I would prefer not to wear one, but will follow whatever rules are in place.
• I only (finally) ventured out b/c I feel safe(r) w/ the mask + vaccination policy. Was fun thanks!
• I don’t think I should fill in the survey, since we only come to Rochester when I call (which I’m not doing now that the dance is in Webster, because it’s so much less convenient for staying overnight, and we have a hard time driving all the way home after a dance) or when there’s a special event (like Thanksgiving). That said, I just wanted to share with you my thoughts about masking and covid protocols. We have done some dancing in Syracuse, which has relaxed its mask policy as long as covid transmission is low. They do check vacc status. We are comfortable dancing there, without masks, probably in part because it’s a small community. We thought about going to the Flurry but decided against it—in part because I don’t like dancing in a mask (hard to breathe, and my glasses get fogged up), and also because with so many people, even with masks, it was more risk than we were willing to take. There have been few opportunities to dance in Ithaca, and when there have been dances, I have found that I don’t dance as much as I used to. It just isn’t that much fun when masks are required. So if I were a regular dancer in your community, I might find that with a masking requirement, I’m not as interested in dancing as I once was. I do appreciate the difficulty that dance organizers face these days, and I applaud you all for trying to balance your social responsibilities with your desire to put on great dances. Thank you for all you do. Good luck to you and to the whole CDR community!