The Meryton Assembly Dancers at Old Fort Niagara
2018 at Old Fort Niagara
On Saturday & Sunday, July 28 & 29, the Meryton Assembly Dancers introduced the history-loving public to English Country Dancing at the Old Fort Niagara’s War of 1812 Grand Encampment. This was the largest gathering of War of 1812 re-enactors in 2018 with battles, demonstrations, shopping and of course, dancing! On Saturday, the Meryton Assembly Dancers danced with the public on the parade grounds inside the fort. Later that evening, MAD sponsored a dance with re-enactors only and then on Sunday morning, MAD danced with the public on the parade ground.

2018 group photo by Vicki Lightfoot. 2018 featured photo above by Rolf Gollin.

2017 at Old Fort Niagara – photos by Austin Wahl