Tonight’s band are the Brother-Sister Fiddle Duo of Matt Sloboda and Catherine Sloboda-McCallen with Guitarist Tom Santarsiero.
Calling will be by Bob Fabinski.
Intro lesson at 7:00, dance 7:30 – 10:00. Admission is on a sliding scale – pay what you can to support the dance. Suggested amount is $10.

Bob Fabinski
Clear and affable, Bob never forgets the beginner’s experience in contra, so he always gives you what you need to get dancing and to have fun right away.

Matt Sloboda
Matt Sloboda (Fiddle, Bouzouki, Mandolin, Accordion)
Raised in the tradition, Matt has played with many bands, including Lake Effect and Glenrose. Matt brings a great lift to his style that swings.

Tom Santarsiero
Tom Santarsiero (Guitar, Mandolin, etc.)
One of our favorite pickers, Tom is equally at home with the guitar, mandolin, banjo and other fine instruments. We’ve enjoyed his music in many ways, including with The Groovemongers and Riverbend.