

  • Review of April 11 meeting minutes
  • 2nd quarter 2020 Financial report
    • AED purchasing plans
  • Outlook for dancing and communicating to our community
  • Contra Quarterly Report
  • ECD Quarterly Report
  • Nominating Committee report
  • Planning for the video online Annual Meeting
  • Anti-racism study group
  • Keeping our members engaged
  • Closing remarks from President Boyer


Dave Boyer

Long time dancer in both English Country dance and Contra, Dave Boyer was elected president of CDR in September, 2019. Dave’s enthusiasm for community dance is deep and infectious. He loves sharing how great it is to dance together. He is a past president of one of Rochester’s Rotary Club chapters, and a gifted caricaturist whose artistic eye captures the inner joy of his subjects.


CDR Board

Cindy Culbert, President, Emily Bernal, Vice President, Michael Pallischek, Treasurer, Jordan Morin, Secretary, Representatives from the English and Contra planners

The CDR Board consists of fun, dedicated folks committed to keeping Country Dancing alive in Rochester. The members include the elected officers and representatives of the planning committees for the regular weekly dances and our special events. Our quarterly board meetings are open to the public and help keep everyone in the loop.