Meeting is from 1:00 – 3:00 pm and includes delicious treats
- Appoint minutes taker for this meeting.
- Follow-up on previous meeting (& approve minutes).
- Treasurer’s report.
- Final budget review. (This is the last chance for the committee or other CDR members to review or discuss the budget before it is passed on January 21.)
- Review Combo Dance planning process.
- Thanksgiving Status
- Coverage for Chuck Abell’s special dance.
- Chuck Abell’s wish to run a techno dance on a non-Thursday under CDR’s auspices.
- Marketing Status.
- Website.
- Facebook & other social media.
- Discussion of regular dance status.
- Discussion re: promoting our scholarship program and encouraging folks to apply.
- Kids dance experience update.
- “Public Service Announcement” experience update.
- Alan Fish’s offer of a barn in Bloomfield where he would host a dance maybe once a year..
- Future dance calendars.
- Other – button status?
- Set dates for future meetings.