Bubbling over with yeasty good fun, yet full of depth like a good chocolate porter, New Brew brings us exciting dance music, including some spicy Bal Folk tunes. Our caller this week is Rich Sbardella, bringing us 25 years of calling experience.
Rich Sbardella
Rich Sbardella has been calling dances throughout New England for about 25 years. Rich calls contras, square dances, community, and family dances.
As a young child, Rich and his siblings were often on the sidelines as their parents square danced. His parents were also avid ballroom dancers, and they especially enjoyed polka dancing. Their love for music and danced was certainly passed down to Richard.
In 1991, Rich and his wife Lynn were at the Woodstock Fair and enjoyed watching a square dance demonstration. They were soon dancing, and within a year they began calling squares. They have since been known as “We Duet Right” because Lynn often provides beautiful harmonies to Rich’s singing calls.
Rich is a dance waiting to happen!

New Brew
Eileen Nicholson Kalfass - fiddle, Jane Knoeck - piano, accordion, Tom Santarsiero - guitar, mandolin, feet
One of Western NY’s top traditional dance bands, these accomplished musicians combine broad celtic influences to brew up world class world music in the bal folk, New England Contra, Quebecois traditions.