Please click here to review our full COVID safety protocols. The policy will change if conditions warrant. In warm weather, windows in the hall may be open for good ventilation. We occasionally have to depart from our usual dance time, or (rarely) cancel a dance on short notice, so check web site before you come.
Admission prices are on a sliding scale. You can pay less than suggested if the full amount doesn’t fit your budget, or pay even more than suggested to provide additional support to this dance series.

Jennifer Staples
Jennifer’s early retirement led her directly to the dance floor and she hasn’t stopped to look back. She loves the elegance and diversity of English Country dancing and enjoys sharing it with others. Her goal is to help dancers be as comfortable and confident in their dancing as possible so they will need only a little of her guidance. When that goal is reached, she plans on giving them more and more dance challenges to make their feet move and their hearts swell as hers does when she herself is on the floor dancing.

Eileen Nicholson (violin), Catherine Sloboda (violin), Jane Knoeck (piano)
This trio of expert Western NY dance musicians formed in 2023 to play for English Country dances and soon after for contras as well. Each has exceptional musical skills coupled with long experience playing for dancers.