NOTE: there was a stale link in an email from us about the upcoming 2023 Jane Austen Ball. If you arrived here from it, our apologies! The 2023 information can be found by scrolling up to the top of this web page, clicking on Special Events, and then clicking on Jane Austen Ball Weekend.
Our 12th annual English Country dance weekend in Rochester, NY. Here is a printable flyer.
Two practice sessions, an experienced English dance, and a Sunday afternoon Regency period ball in a roomy, elegant ballroom, with most of the dancers in costumes reminiscent of Jane Austen’s time, period English dances, and delicious refreshments.
We’ll enjoy Dance Mistress Judi Rivkin’s welcoming presence and clear and efficient teaching, passionate music on flute, violin and piano from Serendipity with guest violinist Molly Jaynes, and a program of dances mostly from Jane Austen’s time. Whet your appetite by viewing this short video from our 2016 Ball.
Advanced registration is required. All the details are on our registration page.
Ball Program
Click on orange dance names to see videos. Click here for the dance instructions.
Schedule of Events
Sundays, March 25, April 8, 15 & 22
3:30-5:30 pm: Ball prep sessions, at the First Baptist Church of Rochester, 175 Allens Creek Rd, 14618, $5 per session. All are followed by a potluck dinner and a chance to attend our regular Sunday evening dance at 6:30. Newcomers to English dancing should be sure to attend the first two sessions to learn the basics.
Saturday, April 28
3:00-5:30 pm: Ball practice led by Judi Rivkin at First Baptist Church with music by Serendipity, followed by a potluck dinner (all welcome; food contributions encouraged but not necessary, paper plates and utensils supplied). $10. You can preregister or just pay at the door.
6:30-9:30 pm: Experienced English dance, at First Baptist. An evening of challenging but rewarding dances and old favorites. Solid familiarity with English country dancing assumed; basic figures will not be taught and walk-throughs will be minimal. Music by Serendipity, dances taught by a cavalcade of regional callers. $15. You can preregister or just pay at the door. Open to all with the needed skills — you don’t have to be coming to the Ball.
Sunday, April 29
9:30 am: Registration opens at the Memorial Art Gallery Ballroom, 500 University Ave. Your name tag also gives you free admission to the art gallery (a $15 value), open 11 am – 5 pm.
10:00 am-noon: Ball dance review, with Judi Rivkin and Serendipity, focusing on the more challenging dances, followed by a buffet lunch, and time for dressing. Dressing rooms for both ladies and gentlemen are provided.
1:50 pm: Demonstration of the Minuet, a traditional opening dance, in the ballroom.
2-5:30 pm: The Ball, with sumptuous period-appropriate refreshments mid-way.
6:00 pm: An optional prix fixe dinner at the Brown Hound (adjacent to Ballroom), cost $30-35. There will be a sign up sheet at the registration table.
Further details
Registration: registration options are explained on our registration page. You can reach the registrar via e-mail at or by phone at 585-223-2655. Number of dancers is capped at 85. (Status update: as of April 17, we have room for 2 more).
Preparation: Prior experience with English Country dancing is assumed. Even though dances at the Ball are walked through and prompted, we strongly encourage dancers to take advantage of our prep sessions, practices, and the Ball instructions & videos provided on our web site, so as to minimize the amount of teaching during the Ball. Dancers will give themselves—and their partners—the greatest pleasure if they are familiar with the afternoon’s program before the Ball. A link to the dance instructions can be found above under the table of dance names, or they can be mailed upon request.
Dress: Regency period attire is encouraged but anything formal or dressy is fine. Lisa Brown of Regency Rentals offers rentals of Regency era costumes by appointment. Contact her at () to inquire. Lisa’s guides to Regency Ball attire for ladies and gentlemen may also be of interest.
Hospitality: We can accommodate a limited number of out of town visitors in the homes of local dancers. If you’re interested, please e-mail . Some suggestions for hotels and B&Bs can be found here or can be mailed upon request.

Judi Rivkin
Caller Judi Rivkin has been dancing all her life. She began leading and teaching English Country Dance in the early 90’s. Weekly English country dance workshops she developed in Seattle, and continues to lead in Princeton, have been the stimulus for dancers of all experience levels to grow and expand their knowledge and repertoire.
Recognized for her clarity, good humor, and welcoming style, Judi has led workshops and dances at festivals, camps, and for groups across the US and Canada, and also leads occasional contra dances. In 2001 she was dance mistress at the Regency Ball, a highlight of the Jane Austen Society’s annual general meeting, and in 2007 she called for the first Rochester Jane Austen Ball.

Serendipity with Guest Violinist
Laurie Giroux-Gilman, Flute, Barbara Seppeler, piano, Molly Wilson, violin