Our popular
Saturday night Halloween-themed Masquerade Ball is back! Spooky decorations, enchanting refreshments, masks and costumes admired but not required! Admission $20, students/low income $10, no advance reservations needed. This dance replaces the usual Sunday night dance that would ordinarily occur the following day.
The Masquerade Ball is the second in our annual series of four balls which take place throughout the academic year. The difficulty of the dances at our balls increases as the year progresses. Each ball builds upon the skills learned in the previous one making it possible to start as a beginner and finish as a confident, successful dancer at the Jane Austen Ball.

Dan Seppeler
A Rochester caller and choreographer of English dances with a talent for finding new and delightful dances and the confidence to try difficult material.

Molly & Jane
Molly Jaynes Wilson (violin), Jane Knoeck (piano)