All are welcome to play in the band tonight, whatever your instrument. The band is led by Eric Rounds on fiddle, and Mark Henry on piano. Printed music is available at the dance, and you can also pick it up online.

Maxine McDonald
Young Maxine McDonald calling has a locked-in sense of timing that is never off, and never obtrusive. Quiet and unassuming, she puts the music first for a sweet evening. Her enthusiasm for the dance is contagious, and stems from a love of historical re-enactment at the Genesee Country Village and Museum–and a delight in twirling on the dance floor!
Open Band
Eric Rounds, fiddle, leader, Mark Henry, piano
Founded by Eric Rounds, open band nights in Rochester are now led by Daphne Pickens and Jane Knoeck. Like Eric, Jane has been an enthusiastic member of the Rochester traditional music community for many years. Daphne has grown up in the tradition and is on the faculty at the Kanack School of Music. We continue to use Eric’s original, great repertoire. Printed music is available at the dance, and you can pick up a copy online.