Please click here to review our full COVID safety protocols. Windows in the hall may be open for good ventilation. We occasionally have to depart from our usual dance time, or (rarely) cancel a dance on short notice, so check web site before you come.
These days it costs us (on the average) $285 to put on a dance. Prices shown on these event listings are suggestions, our admission fee is actually sliding scale: you decide what you want to pay. No one will be turned away for lack of funds!

Richard Sauvain
Richard is the founder of Rochester’s current English dance series. His clear and persistent vision, quietly developed with his elegant, urbane style, is singularly responsible for the strong English Country Dance program Rochester has today. Beloved by all, his calling is always a pleasure to dance to.

Molly Wilson (violin), Laurel Sharp (whistles, recorders, & oboe), Meg Grindrod (piano and concertina)