COVID precautions in effect. You must bring (or have brought to a previous dance) proof of being fully vaxxed and boosted and all must wear effective masks, such as Kn95. Windows in the hall may be open for good ventilation, but that number is allowed be as low as one if it is cold and windy. In any case, it may be cool – dress accordingly. While it’s very rare, we occasionally have to cancel a dance on short notice. Check web site before you come. Sadly, no refreshments! Or any other maskless eating in the hall. Water fountains are turned off, so please bring your own water bottles.

Richard Sauvain
Richard is the founder of Rochester’s current English dance series. His clear and persistent vision, quietly developed with his elegant, urbane style, is singularly responsible for the strong English Country Dance program Rochester has today. Beloved by all, his calling is always a pleasure to dance to.
Laurel, Meg & Ben
Laurel sharp (winds and oboe), Meg Grindrod (piano & concertina), Ben Hockenberry (banjo, whistles & Bodhran)
An English country dance trio. Laurel is adept on whistles, recorders, and oboe, Ben adds banjo, more whistles, & bodhran, and Meg handles piano and concertina.