Please click here to review our full COVID safety protocols. Windows in the hall will be open for good ventilation. While it’s very rare, we occasionally have to cancel a dance on short notice, so check web site before you come. Admission prices listed are slightly less than what it costs us per person to put on a dance. Supporters can pay more to help keep the dances going; those for whom price is a problem are encouraged to pay what they can. No one will be turned away!

Colleen Liggett
A longtime member of our dance community, Colleen initiated live music at our dances, arranging music and organizing the first bands when the English dance series began in the 1980s. Colleen currently books our performers and has more recently turned her considerable enthusiasm towards calling. In addition to calling for us, she and her husband, John, host dances on their back porch.

John Kerr
John Kerr (mandolin)
John has years of experience in playing for dancing and has used his extra time during the pandemic to work on English dance tunes. He is adept at using a looping pedal to add harmonies to the solo mandolin. John & Colleen have played together in dance bands from Just Add Water in the 1980s to Knives and Forks in the 2010s.