Please click here to review our full COVID safety protocols. Windows in the hall will be open for good ventilation. We occasionally have to depart from our usual Sunday night dance time, or (rarely) cancel a dance on short notice, so check web site before you come.
Our admission fee is sliding scale. $10 is about what it costs us per person to put on a dance. You decide what you want to pay. Those who wish to provide additional support to our dance series can pay more. No one will be turned away!

Alex Deis-Lauby
I am a dancer, caller, and organizer in NYC. I started contra dancing in Chicago in 2011. My first dance weekend was Cincinnati’s 2014 Pigtown fling. After that I attended at least one dance weekend a month and danced at a local dance every week (weather permitting). I began calling shortly after that in Chicago and then NYC. In 2015 I went to Pinewoods dance camp for the first time and took Lisa Greenleaf’s callers workshop. Dance camp is awesome! In 2015 I joined my local English dance’s house band on the piano. Through dance organizing, calling and traveling, I look for ways to foster community, build the skills of dancers, organizers, and new talent, and grow the contra and English community.
In my calling I value clear and concise walkthroughs, dances that flow, varied programs, creating a welcoming environment for new dancers, and working well with musicians. When not on stage calling or making music, I can be found on the floor dancing, learning new things, greeting new dancers, or teaching others.

Barb Seppeler, Piano, Laurie Giroux-Gillman, Flute
Pianist, music teacher and choral director, Barb Seppeler, fell hard for the beauty of the English Country Dancer repertoire, and she has made it her own with deep understanding and delicacy. Laurie Giroux – Gillman, a fellow music teacher and extraordinary flute player, is the other half of this delightful ensemble. Barb and Laurie have played regularly for dances in Rochester and all over the North East since 2012. They really have that teamwork thing worked out.