
A special visitor tonight — come enjoy a lively and well known caller & dance composer (think Key to the Cellar) from Philadelphia, and three absolutely wonderful musicians. Socialize with friends and get to know Jenny at an informal bring-your-own picnic beforehand, at 5 PM.   Plus we have one of our periodic break refreshment theme: Fruit!



Jenny Beer

Jenny leads English country dances for all ages. A lively caller, her goal is to make everyone happy — the hardcore dancers, the musicians, the now-and-then dancers, those with high energy, and those who are feeling less spry, the ones eager to learn new dances, the ones who love old favorites. Occasionally you’ll see her playing backup piano, or calling a contra or Scottish dance. And yes, she crafts a new dance now and again. One of our favorites is Key to the Cellar.  Jenny lives near Philadelphia and recently served 2 terms as the VP of the CDSS board.


Eileen, Jane & Roberta

EIleen Kalfass (violin), Jane Knoeck (accordion), Roberta Truscello (piano)