
Maxine McDonald
Young Maxine McDonald calling has a locked-in sense of timing that is never off, and never obtrusive. Quiet and unassuming, she puts the music first for a sweet evening. Her enthusiasm for the dance is contagious, and stems from a love of historical re-enactment at the Genesee Country Village and Museum–and a delight in twirling on the dance floor!
Jim Sloboda - Accordion, Nancy Sloboda - Violin, Catherine Sloboda McCallen - Violin, Matthew Sloboda - Violin, Mandolin, Guitar
Glenrose is primarily a traditional instrument music ensemble. Glenrose was formed as a Contra Dance band in 1991. Most of us still live in North Rose, NY. The band plays many types of traditional folk dance and listening music, as well as more classically oriented material for weddings, dances and other celebrations.