Arugula brings us a spicy musical salad of dance music. All dances taught by Dan Seppeler.
Intro lesson at 7:00, dance 7:30 – 10:00. Admission is on a sliding scale – pay what you can to support the dance. Suggested amount is $10.

Dan Seppeler
A Rochester caller and choreographer of English dances with a talent for finding new and delightful dances and the confidence to try difficult material.

Mike Hoeschele (fiddle & mandolin), Silvia Sörensen (flute), Barb Seppeler (piano), Fred Filbrich (bass)
Dependably enjoyable Rochester regulars, Arugula plays for both Contra and English Country dances.
Disbanded Summer 2024

Barbara Seppeler
Barbara Seppeler (piano)
Pianist, music teacher and choral director Barb Seppeler, fell hard for the beauty of the English Country Dancer repertoire, and she has made it her own with deep understanding and delicacy.