Jane Knoeck’s piano skills support Audrey Potter’s vibrant fiddle this week. It’ll lift your step and raise your spirits. We’re happy to see our own Chuck Abell on stage to call fine dances.
Masks and proof of vaccination are required this week (1st Thursday). Beginner lesson at 7:15 before the dance. Entrance fee is pay what you can, with a suggested amount of $10.

Chuck Abell
In his caller persona, Chuck Abell brings us challenging dances that will exercise your mind and tickle your fancy with their intricate beauty. Chuck organizes the monthly caller meetings in Rochester to workshop new dances. He debuted his “DJ Abell” persona at our 2017 Thanksgiving Festival, with a Taste of Techno Contra session.

Audrey Potter
Audrey Potter (fiddle)
Fiddler Audrey Potter enthusiastically plays for our contras. A former member of Ginger Majority, she is an alumna of the Kanack School of Musical Artistry before going on to study Violin Performance and Music Education at the Fredonia School of Music. She now teaches Orchestra & General Music at West Irondequoit CSD.

Jane Knoeck
Jane Knoeck (piano, accordion)
Jane Knoeck is the doyenne of Rochester dance piano for both English country and contra. She is a member of the nationally touring band, The Groovemongers, as well as River Bend, Sister Haggis, and others reaching back over many years. It’s always a great night for dancing when Jane is on stage.