Dan Elias joins Lake Effect (Matt Sloboda and Chuck Abell) to bring us swing influenced New England contra music. It’ll lift your step and raise your spirits. We’re happy to welcome Ithaca’s Nancy Spero back to the stage to call fine dances.
Masks and proof of vaccination are required this week (3rd Thursday). Beginner lesson at 7:15 before the dance. Entrance fee is pay what you can, with a suggested amount of $10.

Nancy Spero
Ithaca caller Nancy Spero is especially welcome in Rochester. In addition to being a fine contra dance caller, Nancy is particularly interested in the music and moves of traditional, old-time square dancing and she calls for square dances held several times a year in the greater Ithaca area. On our stage, she is always smiling and moving to the music of the band.

Lake Effect
Matt Sloboda (fiddle, mandolin, accordion, bouzuki), Chuck Abell (guitar), Catherine Sloboda (fiddle)
For nearly seven years, Lake Effect has been honing its sound while playing for dances and concerts both locally and in New England and along the Eastern Seaboard. Founded initially by Matt Sloboda and Chuck Abell, the band has grown to include Catherine Sloboda. With a shared vision that encompasses the best in folk, Celtic, swing, and World Music, the band has melded seamlessly into a unique ensemble which values both precision and musical variety.