Make it a resolution to dance any style at least once a week for 2018, then start the year out right with this contra dance.
And, here’s an opportunity to attend a house concert by this week’s talented band the following Friday, 1/5 at 7pm. This is a house concert in BRIGHTON. Please RSVP for the address: caseymurraymusic AT gmail DOT com.

Nancy Spero
Ithaca caller Nancy Spero is especially welcome in Rochester. In addition to being a fine contra dance caller, Nancy is particularly interested in the music and moves of traditional, old-time square dancing and she calls for square dances held several times a year in the greater Ithaca area. On our stage, she is always smiling and moving to the music of the band.

Andrew, Casey, and Cecilia
Andrew VanNorstrand (fiddle, guitar), Casey Murray (cello, guitar), Cecilia Vacanti (fiddle)
Amazing and innovative musicians in their own right, these three combine for dynamic, surprising and super-danceable music.