Response to our call for donations towards a memorial in Tom Bannister’s memory to support Highland Park and the Lamberton Conservatory was great. With these results, we have now discussed the memorial with the horticultural staff at the Monroe County Parks Department. We have decided to go with a Victorian style bench on the patio leading to the Conservatory entrance. In this way, we support the Conservatory more directly and we evoke Tom’s memory well, as the patio looks to the southeast towards the Bannister home on Rockingham St and the route he would have taken most often to Highland Park and the Conservatory. Indeed, there is enough room on the patio to hold a small dance at a dedication ceremony.
A Victorian style bench in Highland Park costs $2,000. We have raised $1,600 to date from CDR members and friends, so we need just a few hundred dollars more to realize this bench.
Planting trees in Highland Park is not feasible for two reasons: 1) Highland Park is pretty full and there is literally no room for large tree plantings in this old park. 2) The majority of the tree species in Highland are unusual and often non-native introductions, so native trees would be out of place there.
If you are so inclined, please use the PayPal button below to make your tax deductible contribution, or speak to one of the volunteers at one of our regular dances.