
Participate in planning our Rochester English dances. Contact for the link to the virtual meeting. Open to all CDR members.

Request for volunteers to be English Convener/Chair.  Vote.
EPC Finances – Pat Hanley
Booker report – Coleen Liggett
post-break clean-up for refreshments.  What needs to be done?

  1. all plates etc in trash
  2. all food items covered/packed and removed from serving table
  3. tablecloth washed off (but not folded, so that it can dry before being put away)

Masquerade Ball – all.  new Volunteers welcome!

  1. Venue
  2. Publicity
  3. Decorations
  4. Refreshments
  5. Games/door prizes/Contests

Next meeting date (planning for Fall / Thanksgiving )


Lisa Brown

Lisa is dedicated to bringing the joys of English country dance to all by specializing in teaching newcomers to dance. She directs our demonstration team, the Meryton Assembly Dancers, and is also known for her encyclopedic knowledge of Regency Era clothing and history. During the Pandemic, Lisa created English Country Dance bingo, Early Music Bingo, Jane Austen Bingo, and other specialty bingo games. She has called Zoom and in-person bingo for thousands of enthusiastic fans. Lisa was president of the Country Dancers of Rochester from 2016-2019.

Pat Donaldson

English planning


English Planning Committee

Pat Donaldson, Convener, Jenna Taylor, Booker, Pat Hanley, Finance, Richard Sauvain, Booker Emeritus, and anyone who would like to participate in planning some great English dances!