
To discuss procedural changes in how performers are paid and how the dance gate is handled.

CDR Board Meeting
Wednesday, April 6 · 8:00 – 9:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 617-675-4444‬ PIN: ‪947 456 315 0027‬#
More phone numbers:


Cindy Culbert

Cindy Culbert

Cindy Culbert has been dancing Contra since 2016 and English Country Dancing since 2018, but she wishes it had been much longer for both. She was elected President of CDR in 2020 during the pandemic, with no dancing happening! She is excited to be back on the dance floor now and to work on growing contra and English country dance in Rochester.


CDR Executive Committee

Cindy Culbert, President, Jilli Walch, Vice-President, Pat Donaldson, Secretary, Will O'Donnell, Treasurer


Name Role
Margaret Mathews Contra Convener
Bob Fabinski Contra Booker
Mary Haverfield Contra Finance
Pat Donaldson
ECD Convener
Jenna Taylor
ECD Booker
Pat Hanley ECD Finance
Richard Sauvain ECD Booker Emeritus
Rich Dempsey Webmaster