
COVID precautions in effect. You must bring (or have brought to a previous dance) proof of being fully vaxxed and boosted and must wear an effective mask, such as Kn95, or a cloth mask over a tightly fitted surgical mask.  Windows in the hall may be open for good ventilation, so it may be cool – dress accordingly. Layers are a good idea. While it’s very rare, we occasionally have to cancel a dance on short notice. Check web site before you come.  Sadly, no refreshments!  Or any other maskless eating in the hall. Water fountains are turned off, so please bring your own water bottles.


Colleen Liggett Calls

Colleen Liggett

A longtime member of our dance community, Colleen initiated live music at our dances, arranging music and organizing the first bands when the English dance series began in  the 1980s. Colleen currently books our performers and has more recently turned her considerable enthusiasm towards calling. In addition to calling for us, she and her husband, John, host dances on their back porch.


Daphne, Laurel & Jane

Daphne Pickins, violin, Laurel Sharp, winds, Jane Knoeck, piano